Terms of Reference (ToR)

KSL is required to write and submit a Terms of Reference (ToR) document to the government for approval at the start of the forest management planning process. A ToR describes the process for developing an FMP and is revised throughout the planning process as new information becomes available. The ToR includes a timeline of when various components of the FMP will be completed and submitted. The ToR also details internal and external communication methods and decision-making methods that will be used throughout the planning horizon. Consultation and Public Participation goals are also described in the ToR. Overall, the ToR creates a clear, timely process to efficiently manage the forest management process.

Forest Management Plan (FMP)

Forest Management Plans (FMPs) are long term strategies for accessing timber from the Forest Management Unit (FMU) in a socially, economically, and environmentally acceptable way. The FMP will follow the CSA Z809-02 standards by adhering to sustainable forest management practices. The main components of an FMP include a classified landbase, growth and yield modeling, implementing management options and developing values, objectives, indicators, and targets (VOITs). To achieve the objectives of the FMP, management strategies influenced by public consultation will substantially help identify local-level forest VOITs which ensures the social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainable forest management are addressed. Consultation and public participation are encouraged through every step of the FMP process. The FMP is implemented when all aspects are agreed upon and reviewed and granted approval by Alberta.

More information regarding the submission and content of these documents described above can be found at:

Planning Standard and Guidelines:
Forest management standards and guidelines | Alberta.ca

Forest Management in Alberta:
Forest management in Alberta | Alberta.ca

FMU S10 Foret Management Plan

This document is a summary of the full draft Forest Management Plan. If anyone is interested in reviewing the draft plan to reach out on the contacts page: https://ksl-sawmills.ca/contacts/
