Creating Opportunities

Our Story

KSL-Sawmills Limited, (Formerly Seehta Forest Products Ltd.) – is a First Nations owned forestry company – a partnership between Loon River, Woodland Cree, Lubicon and Whitefish Lake First Nations. We hold timber rights in the Slave Lake and Peace River forest management regions.
Currently KSL has over 100,000 m3 of softwood (Coniferous) and 65,000 m3 of hardwood (Deciduous) timber rights in the region. KSL ethically manages these timber rights in alignment with its boards desire to further protect important heritage and spiritual areas in these regions while providing business opportunities and economical benefits for all their members and Alberta alike.

Loon River Lubicon Lake Whitefish Lake Woodland Cree
Loon River
Lubicon Lake
Whitefish Lake
Woodland Cree

Creating Opportunities – we will manage our timber resources to the benefit of all our members and create employment options for our nations.