General Development Plan (GDP)

The GDP gives a comprehensive description of a forest operator’s proposed harvest strategy, road building plans, and reclamation operations for a five-year period, and includes all licenses and permits. The GDP is used to guide integration of activities.

Forest Harvest Plan (FHP)

The primary components of an FHP are a map and a report describing the laid out harvest plan. This includes harvest area boundaries, roads and water crossings for the compartment. The design shall be valid for five years from the time of approval, unless issues deemed significant by Alberta arise during this period.

Annual Operating Plan (AOP)

The AOP describes operations in detail through a series of components that can be submitted together at the same time, or as individual submissions on a schedule approved by Alberta. This includes applicable FHPs, GDPs as described above in addition to an operating schedule and timber production, reforestation program, fire control program and road plan and a compartment assessment as required.

2020-2021 Harvesting Activities

Development Plan Map
General Development Plan Map